WEEK ENDNOTES: March comes in like a lamb with Bed, Bath, Butter, Bye & 1 DIY

Tough to believe it’s March already. Where did February go? Wherever that is, I hope it stays away for AT LEAST another year. The mild weather in the midwest this week has me pining for spring. Here’s what captured my attention as the ice melted and the temperatures inched into the 70s…

A beautiful boho bedroom

House Beautiful

From the February/March issue of House Beautiful come these soothing blues accented by lush reds. A Les Indiennes throw is draped over the headboard. Other bedding includes Ralph Lauren pillow cases, William-Wayne & Co. spread, and throw pillows by Michelle Nussbaumer and Annie Selke.

The chair is Cassina, and the lamp is vintage Giacometti. I’m grooving on the shabby chic bedside table, though, which must be without a pedigree because HB was silent on its origins.

A bodacious boho bathroom

House Beautiful

FInally, a luxury bath for bookworms! What a stunning library and spa with lots of inspo factor. My only fear would be that the books would get damp and mold. It sure made me stop and take a second, third and fourth look though.

A simple recipe for herb butters

Inspired By Charm

Blogger Michael Wurm Jr. shared three recipes for easy-to-make herb butters to liven up your appetizer tray. There’s cilantro lime, sun-dried tomato, and Italian garlic. Follow the link to all three recipes and be sure to check out Michael’s other great ideas for decorating and entertaining.

These look so easy, it started me thinking about some recipes of my own I could conjure up. These would taste great paired with my signature Tuscan flatbread. Alas, An idea for another post!

Another suggestion I would have is that instead of reforming the softened butter into logs, look around the kitchen for a mold of some sort–a ramekin or some sort of small bowl.

A conflicted good-bye to my lift-recliner

BoHoHome.com photo

I’m not a fan of recliners because they’re just sooooooooooo ugly, especially lift recliners, which are ugly AND HUGE. This one has been swallowing up my living room for three months and just got sent back to where it came from Friday.

Ugly as it is, I will miss it. Too bad they can’t make streamlined, normal-looking recliners with that same overstuffed comfort. But as the guy who picked it up said, “You can’t have it all.”

We rented this one to help me recover from bilateral knee replacements, and it did its job. I slept in it for a while until I could get in and out of bed on my own. Plus, it was great to sit in to do all my exercises and ice my knees.

I’m still doing the exercises–mostly with the support of the walker–and icing every evening, but I’m more than able to switch to one of the better-looking chairs and ottoman I own.

So bye-bye, Big Brown. Thanks for the lift when I needed it!

A DIY trellis

I can’t remember where I came across this cute trellis (Pinterest?), but it immediately got me thinking about making one and finding a place to hang it when spring comes to Freeman Street.

Perhaps one on either side of the garage where the top could hang from the coach lights? It would be great for clematis or some other not-too-heavy vine.

The how-to looks straightforward: Gather twigs and string together. That part would probably be easier if you drilled holes in the twigs then threaded through fishing line or something equally weather-resistant, knotting it into place above and below each twig, but it might work just knotting twigs into position.

Now, where do I find twigs in a neighborhood of new homes and baby trees?

This weekend at home…

BoHoHome.com photo

Last weekend we checked off everything on our to-do list: Most notably the laundry room cabinet install, but also the securing of pottery on top of the kitchen cabinets with Museum Wax, wall hangings added to my sewing room, and runs to cardboard recycling and the library to return an overdue book.


So I think we deserve a break this weekend. I do need Chris to take me to a large, empty parking lot and let me try out my new knees on driving a car again. I’ve been cleared for take-off but need to make sure all feels okay before I venture into traffic on my own.

I’d also like to check out the walking track and exercise equipment at a nearby community center.

Come Monday, our long-awaited woven wood curtain comes for our sliding glass door. This is when it was originally scheduled to come but at last communique had been delayed until April 24!! So seeing the shipping notice in my inbox Wednesday morning was a DELIGHT. It’s our last window to “treat.” After a fiasco with trying different drapery panels, we decided to spend the big bucks and have the slider match the other blinds in the house.

Hope Fedex brings it early so Chris can install it before the afternoon sun hits.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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